16 July, 2005

Dirk's Slightly Surreal Gallery

Inspired by a publicity still of Steven Spielberg, this ended up being reminiscent of Holly from Red Dwarf. Look best full-screen (click to enlarge.) Acheived using Television preset in Alien Skin's Xonofex 2.

Just messing about. Photoshop "Diffuse Glow" filter, followed by Corona (from Alien Skin's Eye Candy) applied as a Live Effect in Fireworks.
We saw an old black and white photo of Greg and thought "Wow, that looks just like Dirk!" So we coloured it using the demo version of Recolored from Bertheussen and posted it on Dirk's blog. Nobody was taken in!
I think this was all done in Fireworks. Twiddling the hue/saturation settings gace us the coloured heads, and the slight lustre was the Glass effect in Eye Candy 4. I went to some lengths to add authenticity by using a high resolution photo of a piece of green baize as the background. Even went to the trouble of distorting it to give the weave perspective. But like so many special effects, the results are all but invisible in the finished picture!
The first proper title screen for Dirk's blog. Familiar to all serious students of dirkology. The meat and potatoes of this picture were done in about three minutes flat. It then took about five times as long to export it with a size and aspect ratio which looked remotely decent on Blogspot. It is inspired by an Ozzy Osbourne album cover and done entirely in Fireworks. In an unprecedented fit of thoroughness, I saved the raw PNG file, so expect to see this title screen evolve with fresh photographic material, rather than be simply replaced.

If you hadn't recognised it, this is a corruption of the "Shaft" movie logo.
A mediocre result after quite a fiddly piece of grahic manipulation. Hey-ho.
Dirk Dastardly
This picture is responsible for doubling the hits on Dirk's Web site the month it was posted. Somehow the phrase "Dirk Dastardly" got pounced on by every search engine bot on the planet and was subsequently searched for by a host of people who obviously have a hazy memory for Hanna-Barbera.
The opposite of the Shaft adaptation: One click on a preset effect in Photoshop (Neon Glow, I think) gives a very striking effect.
Dirk's "Business Card"
This is the card we hand to people in between telling them Dirk has his own Web site and being asked for a pen. The "salt-cellar in the pot" was shamelessly stolen from a Web site promoting the short-run stage show of Dirk Gently.

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