17 March, 2006
16 March, 2006
12 March, 2006
11 March, 2006
Playing at being cool
Big Brother Connor playing with Dirk's toys (or "showing Dirk how to use them" as he calls it.)
Here's a little somethin' bout a baby like me
never shoulda been let outta Maternity
Bro Conna would like ta say
That I'm a crazy mutha from around the way!
Comment by Grandpa: You're great and so's your big brother.
10 March, 2006
First Visit to Baby Clinic
Dirk and Mummy went to the baby clinic today. Dirk was weighed at 10lbs 2oz (a gain of 12oz this week.) They didn't measure him, but we make his height (or is that length?) 57cm (2.5cm growth this week.)
To see progress charts, click here.
09 March, 2006
Milestone: One Month Old
Dirk is four whole weeks old today. Can't believe how the time has flown!
Dirk is the most wonderful little man in the world. It is a pleasure and a
privilage to have him in our lives. DIRK ROCKS! And you can see that he
Milestone: Mimicry
08 March, 2006
Granny Visit
07 March, 2006
06 March, 2006
05 March, 2006
Bath Night
But he still enjoyed cuddling up in a towel even more!
Thse photos were taken while Elaine was talking to Eirwen on the phone. Dirk's head was being supported more than it seems!
When he was properly dry, Dirk enjoyed a good wriggle. He gives the impression of being ble to look at things properly these days, and spends a lot of time, studying his surroundings.