30 June, 2007

26 June, 2007


Toast. Dirk's favourite food!

24 June, 2007

Off to the Shops

Just a relatively dull video showing Dirk and Mummy going downstairs to buy a lottery ticket.

22 June, 2007


Today, Mummy, Daddy and Dirk rode to the hospital in a bus. When they got there, they saw Dirk's baby brother/sister on the ultrasound scanner. Here is Dirk on the bus:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

If you want to see a picture of the baby, click the yellow ticket to visit Baby Withnail's Web site.

Baby Withnail Web Site

21 June, 2007

Haircut and New Clothes!

Don't I look grown up?

17 June, 2007

Lazy Sunday Afternoon...

...Got no time ta worry.

15 June, 2007

New Books

Today Mummy took Dirk to the library to get some new books.
While they were there, Mummy also collected Dirk's second BookStart pack.

12 June, 2007

In Luton Airport no-one can hear you scream...

Today Great-Grampa arrived from Scotland.
Granny came for lunch and Mummy checked the Glasgow and Luton Airport web sites to see when Great-Grampa's plane took off and when it was due to land.
Dirk fell asleep in the car on the way to the airport so he didn't see Great-Grampa until Granny dropped him and Mummy back home!

07 June, 2007


Dirk went with Mummy to Big Brother Connor's school this evening. When Connor's teacher heard about how much Dirk likes his two favourite books*, she gave him a special sticker!

02 June, 2007

At Granny & Grandad's

Daddy went to London today, so Mummy, Dirk and Big Brother Connor went on the bus to visit Granny and Grandad.
Dirk enjoyed running in the garden...

...but it wore him out!