31 July, 2007

Sleepy Habit

Dirk in the Abbey.

30 July, 2007


Dirk went with Mummy and Daddy to see the midwife. He heard the baby's heartbeat that you are hearing now.
On the way home, he walked along a wall!


29 July, 2007

Birthday Celebration

Dirk, Mummy, Daddy and Connor all went to a birthday lunch today. It was his Great-Granny's eightieth birthday on 15 July and will be his Great Grandad's on 16 August. So, they celebrated both together at the Flying Fox.

Afterwoods, everyvody went to Granny and Grandad's house to cut the cake.

Mummy and Daddy forgot to take the camera, but Great-Grandad took some photos, so they will be posted here as soon as possible.

27 July, 2007


Dirk and the Silly Nurse

Dirk just saw the nurse. She asked Mummy whether she ought not to stop breastfeeding, as Dirk is nearly eighteen months old.

Good job he wasn't listening!

25 July, 2007

Dirk needs a hand with his egg...

...'cos both of his are full of TOAST!

23 July, 2007

Supply and Demand

"You want me to go to sleep? Then read me a story, Mummy!"

22 July, 2007

Purr-fect Pals

Queeg loves Dirk.

And Dirk loves Queeg.

Paranormal Boy - Official

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

21 July, 2007

20 July, 2007

Baby push Baby

Dirk has bought a new pushchair to practice pushing his baby sibling.

17 July, 2007

Dirky Turkey Weighs In

Dirk was weighed at the clinic today. He weighs 26lbs 13oz.
12.16kg is the amount of manure produced by a typical broiler chicken in its first seven weeks.

14 July, 2007

Wild Plates

Sold ...to Vic!

Shortly after this video was made, Dirk had a nasty little accident in town. He fell and hit his face on the pavement. There was quite a lot of blood. He's feeling much better now, but we had to cancel the portrait session he was on his way to at the time. Daddy learned that a pushchair harness isn't just to keep tiny babies from falling out, but is also to keep big boys from leaping out! Silly Daddy!

12 July, 2007


The original soundtrack wasn't very clear, so we cheated a bit by overdubbing. This really is his favourite band though. (If you don't count Slayer, that is.)

Channel 4 are paying!

09 July, 2007


Click to enlarge.

Three Videos

Dirk looking cheeky.

Dirk enjoys cooling off.

Dirk practicing being a big brother.

08 July, 2007

Just mooching

A typically withnailian arty-shot. Strange thing is... we didn't do a thing to the photo!

03 July, 2007

Test You Baby

Mummy bought a doll so that Dirk can get used to seeing her cuddle another small person. So he followed her example...


Dirk got a call from his agent last night.

Today, he's at an audition for a Heinz television commercial!