31 October, 2007


Sarah bought Dirk some red contact lenses:

23 October, 2007

Splashing About

Dirk splashed Mummy at bath time!

22 October, 2007

Another new word!

Dirk said his own name this evening. He now has a vocabulary of over half a dozen words:

Baa (as in sheep!)
Tea (for any meal)
Bzzz (as in bee!)

Other words he can "say", if you're pretty relaxed about pronunciation:

aghn-aghn (banana)
bffz (ball)
bffz-bffz (balloon)
dah* (toast)
'ngh-'ngh** (Connor)
tiss (kiss)***
zeez (cheese)

If you count complete nonsense, Dirk is extremely well-spoken! He will grunt and babble at length, with varied stresses and intonations. He's obviously saying something. His namesake would doubtless point out that any problem we have with this is ours as it is we who don't understand.

Conversely, Dirk's understanding of our spoken words seems far superior to ours of his. He likes to point at his nose, ears, etc when asked. He can point at another person's features if their name is included in the request. He can point at various animals in his books, and even identify, say, a bird in a picture which is new to him.

Of course, the big question is this:

  • If he hasn't said "gleeba" yet, does it mean he's not going to be a scientist?

* = abstract but unmistakable; this is Dirk's favourite word. (And , indeed, thing.)

** = If Station was the martian who could "make one word mean anything", then Dirk is the little boy who can make one grunt mean everything. (eg: When Dirk is standing outside his brother's bedroom door like an abandoned puppy, a double-"ngh" means "Connor.")

*** = Curiously, Dirk learned the word and the deed within seconds of each other.

21 October, 2007

Landmark new word in Dirk's vocabulary

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Daddy getting ready... Us getting out of the way!

Today, Daddy finally started getting the flat ready for the new baby. After checking the cot was OK, Dirk went to the park to meet Sarah and Kenny.

20 October, 2007

Round and Round the Arndale

After a quick look at the flowers, Dirk went shopping with Mummy, Daddy and Big Brother Connor. He went on a merry-go-round for the first time. After a very serious start, he relaxed and enjoyed it.

17 October, 2007

06 October, 2007

Hugs, kisses and mischief

Dirk and Queeg, sittin' in a tree...

Dirk on his own, sittin' on a box...
NOT going to sleep...
Brothers in arms...

02 October, 2007

At the Doctor's surgery

Today, Dirk went with Mummy and Daddy to see the midwife. You can read Baby's account here.

While Baby and the Talls did dull stuff, Dirk ran around in circles. Much more exciting!