31 December, 2006

New Year's Eve

Queeg and Dirk: Partners in crime.


30 December, 2006

29 December, 2006

Just messing about...

"I'm a MONSTER!"
"Mummy's beautiful."
"Where's Lassie?"
Hey kids... Breast really IS best you know.

28 December, 2006

Presents: Wearing-of and Playing-with

Uncle Lindsay bought me this lovely jumper. Don't I look grown-up!
I like having a cuddle with my big brother!
Daddy's Baby holding Mummy and Daddy's Baby holding Daddy's Baby.
Hmm... Do I chew the blue wire, or the brown?

That all you got Dad?
...and don't come back!
Daily Cute Pic

27 December, 2006

Monkey Business & Pudding Head

It's my old friends...The Monkeys!!!!
Having a rest and a cuddle.

Mummy's a big pudding-head!!
Yesterday I had to help Daddy with his computer problems,
today it's Mummy's turn for some help...
I should be charging them for this!
Time for a nap.
But it's not long before I'm up and about again!

26 December, 2006

Boxing Day

More Christmas Pudding anybody???

No matter how hard Mummy and Daddy try,
the camera isn't fast enough to catch me most of the time!!

Here's Connor modelling his new pyjamas...

"OK Daddy, now click on properties..."
"I'm gonna be a rock star
Playing on my guitar!"
(and Mummy's a rubbish poet!!!)

25 December, 2006

First Christmas!

Christmas Tree! (Out of reach!)
And my special decoration.
A giant shape sorter!
Here's my Christmas Pudding costume.
I wore it to Granny & Grandad's.

Christmas Dinner - I had turkey, broccoli,
sweet potato and gravy.
For pudding I had a whole banana!
And more presents!!!
This rocking horse wasn't a Christmas present,
I play on him when I visit Granny and Grandad.
And after a horse ride, it's back to my new toys!

It was all too much for me...