31 March, 2007

Funny Faces

Dirk got a Funny Faces book from the library. He liked it so much, Mummy and Daddy bought him his own copy.


Mummy and Daddy ate an Easter egg early†.
Dirk is far too sensible to eat chocolate*, but he did enjoy his new cardboard helmet!


30 March, 2007

Mark it with "D"

Dirk decorated an Easter cake at Baby Group.

27 March, 2007

Brighton Baby?

Dirk got a lovely new scooter from Amanda.

26 March, 2007

Feeling better.

After lots of sleep and a few more doses of his medicines, Dirk is feeling much better. His temperature has been stable since last night and he is drinking well. He hasn't eaten a proper meal yet, but is happily snacking on his favourite crunchy carrot sticks. He even decided to help Mummy with the cleaning this afternoon!

25 March, 2007

Eye-Watering Watering

Unusual Breastfeeding Positions.
No.99: The Telly-Watch Teat-Twist

Both happy that one's over!


This evening, Dirk enjoyed himself with no nappy on. It helped to keep him cool.

Unfortuntely, he overheated again during the night, so we all had to get up while he had some more naked time. His convulsions were worse this time around, but after a while he started to recover.

24 March, 2007

Back in Hospital

Today, everyone was very tired after last night's adventure.

Dirk had a little play in the morning.

But after trying a little bit of lunch, and deciding he didn't feel like eating, Dirk started to have a trembling fit and went to hospital in an ambulance.
After more medication, he perked up a little.

The he went to have his photo taken...
On the way back from the X-Ray Department, Mummy and Daddy took Dirk outside in the cool fresh air. This revived him considerably.
After a final feed and more examinations by the registrar and doctors, he was allowed home.

After sleeping all the way home, Dirk was ready for some carrott sticks and some fun with Mummy's mobile phone!

23 March, 2007

No Injections...

Dirk had an appointment with the doctor this morning, for more injections.

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But his temperature was 38.2, so he was given some antibiotics instead.

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Later in the afternoon, Dirk became very unwell. The doctor took his temperature again and found it was 39.9°. So he sent him to the hospital.

At hospital, Dirk had some medicine which seemed to make him a bit better. The doctors came and prodded him. He was especially upset when they took his blood (after several attempts to stick the needle in his wrist.) After some more medicine (which he took like a little angel) he had to wait a long time for the blod test results. The doctor reappeared later (prompting a wicked look an moist eye from Dirk) to say that Dirk had an infection; though they weren't entirely sure where. Eventually, he was able to come home at about 3am on Saturday morning. Mummy and Daddy were very tired, but Dirk was just beginning to boink!

18 March, 2007

Mothers' Day Card

Dirk made this lovely card for Mummy:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

17 March, 2007

Great-Grandparents' Diamond Wedding Anniversary

Today, Dirk went to Granny and Grandad's house to join in the party celebrating his great-grandparents' Diamond Wedding Anniversary. The picture below shows everybody at the party.

(Back row: Grandad, Uncle Mark, Cousin Joshua, Aunty Caroline, Granny, Mummy, Dirk, Daddy and Uncle Lindsay.
Front row: Great Granny, Big Brother Connor, Cousin Lewis and Great Grandad.)
Dirk enjoyed the stone floor in the kitchen... nice for sliding about!
He also liked playing with his cousin Lewis.
Baby cousin Joshua is still a bit too small to play, so he got a tickle instead!

This is a (silent) movie of Dirk's great-grandparents cutting their cake.

14 March, 2007

Hide and Seek

I have discovred a new place in which to be naughty!

13 March, 2007


Books: Fun but rather exhausting.

12 March, 2007

Look Ma, No Wires!

How did I get so high? You may well ask!

11 March, 2007

Play Time & Bath Time

Dirk playing with one of his favourite toys...

Then having a bath...

Running About

Kate & James Visit

Auntie Kate and Uncle James came to visit today.
They brought lots of presents, including this special bag.
It comes from Amsterdam. There is a shop there called Dirk which Kate and James spent a long time trying to find!

10 March, 2007

08 March, 2007


Unusual breastfeeding positions.
No.12: The Stand-up Routine

In the Garden on a Sunny Day

Dirk examines the new fence the gardener has made.

Enjoying the sunshine in the garden.

On the way back home.