23 March, 2007

No Injections...

Dirk had an appointment with the doctor this morning, for more injections.

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But his temperature was 38.2, so he was given some antibiotics instead.

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Later in the afternoon, Dirk became very unwell. The doctor took his temperature again and found it was 39.9°. So he sent him to the hospital.

At hospital, Dirk had some medicine which seemed to make him a bit better. The doctors came and prodded him. He was especially upset when they took his blood (after several attempts to stick the needle in his wrist.) After some more medicine (which he took like a little angel) he had to wait a long time for the blod test results. The doctor reappeared later (prompting a wicked look an moist eye from Dirk) to say that Dirk had an infection; though they weren't entirely sure where. Eventually, he was able to come home at about 3am on Saturday morning. Mummy and Daddy were very tired, but Dirk was just beginning to boink!

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