27 August, 2007

Mead Open Farm

This afternoon, Dirk went to Mead Open Farm. He saw lots of animals.

Child of the corn... Dirk enjoyed the Maize Maze.

26 August, 2007

19 August, 2007

18 August, 2007

New Pram and New Toy!

Today, Dirk went to visit Auntie Sarah.

He also met his first cows. Or did he...?

A cardboard cut-out Sarah pushing a CGI Dirk. So, it's not Jurassic Park, but neither was the budget.

(Actually, somebody who knows the area very well might spot the genuine bit of photo-trickery in this diary entry. It's really quite blatant.)
Mummy bought Dirk a new pram to share with his little sister. (Or brother.) Look at the size of that thing. Our weapons are useless!

Photos in wrong order. This was first-thing. Daddy and Dirk having a lie-in.

Slightly more animate MK fauna. (He hasn't got a sore throat; he's just a little horse.)




Dirk eats the cat's balls...







Play these two Swing Videos simultaneously. Trippy.

Auntie Sarah can't afford a carpet, but Dirk doesn't mind!


. .

And then it was time for bed, with his new toy Makka Pakka. Thank you Auntie Sarah.

17 August, 2007

Lots of photos!

Daddy took this picture with his new camera. Don't I look cheeky!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

These two pictures were done by a proper photographer, so I kept my tongue behind my teeth!


Back at home, cheeky once more...

04 August, 2007

Leighton Buzzard

Mummy and Dirk went to stay with Granny and Grandad this weekend. Dirk enjoyed running about in Pages Park.

He played golf in Granny's back garden.