29 April, 2007

DirkCam Update

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
DirkCam has been live for a couple of days now. At first, the camera took a picture once every thirty seconds, and uploaded it each time. Since Dirk's site has a fairly small and select cross-section of visitors, we think we can save bandwidth by introducing the following: From now on, the camera will only take a picture and upload it if something in its field of view changes. This means that if Dirk falls asleep or goes out, the whole system is saved the bother of messing about with hundreds of identical pictures. The practical upshot for the visitor should be much the same as before, as the minimum interval between uploads is still thirty seconds.

The Prodigy

(Never had one lesson!)

28 April, 2007

Down Town (Ev'rything's Great)

Dirk got his very own computer today. See how he loves his laptop!

So we all had to go down town, to buy Mummy and Daddy a replacement!

23 April, 2007

Snakes and Ladders

Today Dirk and Sebastian went to Snakes and Ladders. (regular readers will recall that this is where Dirk had his birthday party.)

Unfortunately, Mummy forgot to take a camera, but Sebastian's Mummy shot this video:

22 April, 2007

St George's Day Parade

Today Dirk went to watch Big Brother Connor marching in the St George's Day parade with his cub pack.

He enjoyed seeing the band.

To see Connor marching, click here.

21 April, 2007

Bath Night Test

This evening, Dirk tested his new wetsuit in the bath.

The suit makes Dirk less slippery in the swimming pool and the sea.

You KNOW who ahm talkin' about!

St George's Pageant

To see more pictures of Big Brother Connor dressed as a dragon, click here.

20 April, 2007

18 April, 2007

YET another trip to YET another park.

Though it doesn't look like it in these pictures, the swing was swinging really high...

If Mummy and Daddy would let him, Dirk would happily run forever!

Hospital again

Dirk went to the hospital with Mummy and Daddy again today. Just for once, the trip wasn't about him! Mummy had a scan and they all saw Dirk's new little sibling on the screen.
To see a picture, visit Baby's Web site at http://babywithnail.blogspot.com/2007/04/ultrasound-scan_18.html

17 April, 2007

15 April, 2007

Squashy Things and Swings and Bubbles

This afternoon, Dirk went to the park.

He loved running about so much that it was difficult for Mummy and Daddy to catch him!

King of the Castle!
Posing with Daddy...

And with Mummy...

Stomping about outside the museum (and NEARLY being caught in a transmat beam!)

Going inside:

Inside was an exhibition of Squashy Sculpture, which Dirk thoroughly tested.

Aha! More stairs!

Outside again. Dirk goes flying!

A View on a Bridge

"Hey, that looks a bit like a stair. Hmmm... To be or not to be...?"
"There is no question!"

Watching the boats

"Says who?"

As easy as falling off one!

Swings and slides and things...

"Well call me Ishmael, what's that Mummy!"