06 April, 2007

Visiting Maisie, Abigail, Rosie and Ellis

This afternoon, we all went to visit Maisie and her children. Here is Big Brother Connor on a big swing with Abigail. Abigail is older than Connor.

Here is a video of Connor and Abigail on the swing. (There's no sound.)

That swing was a bit too big for Dirk, so he sat on the roundabout for a while.

Then he got a cuddle from Maisie.

...before going off to explore.

When Big Brother Connor bumped his head (like a little monkey jumping on the bed!) Maisie had to run to get some vinegar and brown paper. Mummy stayed and looked after Ellis as soon as Connor's condition had stabilised.

By this time, Rosie had joined Dirk on the roundabout.

Then Dirk had another run around the playground.

A nice photo of the beautiful Abigail.

Dirk likes Abigail!

Then Ellis got out of his pram.

Big Brother Connor posed while Abigail took these photographs of him...

Then it was Rosie's turn to be photographed by Abigail...

Then Mummy and Daddy...

Then Mummy took a some pictures of Daddy and Abigail.

Dirk just LOVED the swings.
In fact, the familiar Ball-Pit publicity photo has now been replaced by a classic swing pic. (Bottom picture of this post.)

Big Brother Connor with Rosie.

New Publicity Photo:

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