15 April, 2007

Squashy Things and Swings and Bubbles

This afternoon, Dirk went to the park.

He loved running about so much that it was difficult for Mummy and Daddy to catch him!

King of the Castle!
Posing with Daddy...

And with Mummy...

Stomping about outside the museum (and NEARLY being caught in a transmat beam!)

Going inside:

Inside was an exhibition of Squashy Sculpture, which Dirk thoroughly tested.

Aha! More stairs!

Outside again. Dirk goes flying!

A View on a Bridge

"Hey, that looks a bit like a stair. Hmmm... To be or not to be...?"
"There is no question!"

Watching the boats

"Says who?"

As easy as falling off one!

Swings and slides and things...

"Well call me Ishmael, what's that Mummy!"


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